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Opt Roles

Opt roles a roles that users can opt into (as the name suggests). This is designed so if you you have a notification role for pings and you want user to chooses wether or not to get pings.

You can also optionally set them up so a user requires a separate role to get the opt role. You can use this with point roles.

Adding an opt role

To add an opt role, execute the following command:

setup add optrole [optRoleBaseName] [RoleToAssignName] [?RequiredRoleName]`

So for example, if you want an announcements role you would do:

setup add optrole Announcements AnnouncementsPing

And then your users can do the following command:

role Announcements

Removing an opt role

To remove an opt role, execute the following command:

setup remove optrole [OptRoleName]

So for the example in adding an opt role, you would do:

setup remove optrole Announcements